WHEREAS, as a matter of sound fundamental wildlife and natural resource management practices and policy, quality species management plans are essential and should be developed, implemented and monitored by State agency natural resource professionals.

WHEREAS, management plans provide natural resource professionals and leaders the essential tools to manage our flourishing, delicate and complex species and habitats to ensure their long-term sustainability and health.

WHEREAS, management plans provide our natural resource professionals guidelines and a check and balance system as well as an opportunity to collect instrumental data on mortality, disease, harvest, migration, invasive species control, air and water quality and overall species health.

WHEREAS, management plans provide well managed, healthy and vibrant natural resources, habitats and wildlife species to be utilized and enjoyed in Wisconsin which have significant benefits to the public, Wisconsin’s recreation-based economy and recreational users of our abundant lands, rivers and lakes.

WHEREAS, Wisconsin as a significant outdoor recreation based economy, and strong outdoor culture that is further promoted and enjoyed by comprehensive management of the State’s abundant lands, rivers and lakes.

WHEREAS, the absence of key species management plans in the WI-DNR respective bureaus have limited the WDNR’s ability to deliver the necessary species management to protect and enhance Wisconsin’s natural resources and wildlife populations.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation calls on the Natural Resources Board as trustees of Wisconsin Natural Resources to encourage the Department of Natural Resources to develop and implement management plans for key species with set deadlines, metrics and review and evaluation. Species needing immediate management plan attention should include whitetail deer, sandhill cranes, swans and other key wildlife species.

Respectfully submitted Mark Kakatsch and Kevyn Quamme