2024 Resolutions

  1. Resolution to Restrict the Use of 2, 4-D for Aquatic Plant Management
  2. Management Plan Resolution
  3. Resolution for changes in the disabled Hunt
  4. Resolution Revised on Lake Michigan Commercial Lake Trout Harvest

2023 Resolutions

  1. CLC Prescribed Fire Education Resolution
  2. CLC Environmental Justice Resolution
  3. CLC Boat Washing Resolution

2022 Resolutions

  1. CLC Algal Bloom Reduction Resolution
  2. CLC Net Metering Solar Energy Resolution
  3. CLC Resolution on Hibernaculum Protection
  4. CLC Resolution on Pollinator Habitat
  5. CLC Resolution to Encourage the Reduction of Single Use Plastics
  6. Resolution on Reducing Politics in Conservation

2020 Resolutions

  1. CLC Resolution on the use of salt brine
  2. CLC Resolution- Earth Day
  3. CLC CAFO Resolution
  4. Dog Trialing Resolution
  5. Northern Wisconsin Leash Law Resolution
  6. Deer Registration Stations Re-Establishment
  7. Back Tag Resolution


2019 Resolutions

  1. CLC Resolution to Establish Education and Restoration for Wisconsin Urban Wetlands 1
  2. CLC Resolution to add Black Bear to the Urban Wildlife Grant Program
  3. CLC Environmental Ed Programs Resolution
  4. CLC Feral Cat Resolution
  5. CLC Conservation Funding
  6. Wolf Advisory cmte_
  7. Resolution to Fully Fund the Forestry Account in the 2019
  8. Resolution to Reauthorize the Knowles
  9. Resolution to restore upstream migration of salmonids on the Iron River
  10. Resolution to Create a Lake Michigan Sports Fishing Board
  11. Resolution to Prevent and Mitigate Nitrates and Bacteria in Groundwater
  12. Resolution Calling For Environmental Standards and Regulations for PFAS (1)
  14. Tainter menomin lake 2019 resolution


2018 Resolutions

  1. Supporting the Increase of Riparian Buffer Zones
  2. Improve Environmental Education Funding in Urban Areas
  3. Improve Urban Areas by Encouraging Acquisition and Enhancement of Green Spaces and Other Ecological Restoration Projects
  4. Combat the Increase of CWD with the Use of Increased Testing Methods Statewide
  5. Opposing Significant Downsizing of National Monuments
  6. Create a Youth Bear Hunt
  7. Requesting Audit of Bobcat Harvest Rsearch Monies
  8. Support Safe Dispatch of Furbearers Near Unpaved Roadways
  9. Support Continuation of Hands-on Hunter Education
  10. Extend Pheasant Hunting Season Closing Dates
  11. Reinstate the Forestry Mil tax to Fund Wisconsin’s Forestry Program
  12. Whitefish Dunes State Park Boat Launch Ramp and Safe Harbor
  13. Separation of Surf/Wake Boats From Shorelines and Watercraft


2017 Resolutions

  1. Support pollinator friendly solar electricity awareness and production in WI
  2. Create recycling and composting education kit for K-12 schools
  3. Increased Urban Angler Recruitment
  4. Increasing the Implementation of Sustainable Practices in the Built Environment
  5. Support increased funding in Wisconsin State Parks
  6. Reduce water consumption through use of sustainable residential technology
  7. Maintenance endowment initiative for Wisconsin barrier free cabins
  8. Support current forestry account property tax financing
  9. Restore funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
  10. Obtain public information for all wolf depredations and harassents
  11. Allow raccoon hunting statewide during the nine day November gun deer season
  12. Wolf population goal
  13. Calling for the removal of abandoned railroad grade culvert on Nebagamon Creek
  14. Continue the publication of the Wisconsin Natural Resource Magazine
  15. Opposing major reductions in the USEPA 2017-2018 budget


2016 Resolutions – 1

  1. Adaptive resource management for climate change in Wisconsin
  2. Additional protection for scholarship funds
  3. Central Sands high capacity well permit moratorium
  4. Contain the Round Gobies in the Fox River
  5. Ending sporting subsidy of the Great Lakes commercial fishery
  6. Importance of biomass energy in Wisconsin’s energy portfolio
  7. Improve watershed health through wetland mitigation
  8. Increased youth involvement in the outdoors
  9. Night Hunting of Raccoon for nine day gun deer season
  10. Propagation and protecting of milkweed in Wisconsin
  11. Reduce agricultural non-point source pollution
  12. Requiring double fencing on captive deer farms
  13. Support retention of Federal public lands
  14. Support the Wisconsin turtle management program


2016 Resolutions – 2

  1. CLC Call for a comprehensive analysis of wildlife corridors and their consideration in future highway designs
  2. CLC Call for reassessment of WI state statue NR40 concerning preventative measures for aquatic invasive species
  3. CLC Call for standards to protect birds and restore biodiversity through building design and operation and habitat creation
  4. CLC Support pollinator habitat, education, and awareness in Wisconsin
  5. Resolution to support the reauthorization of the Federal land and water conservation fund
  6. Resolution to support S556 the Federal Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015
  7. Resolution opposing a boat transfer system around Rapid Croche Locks
  8. Resolution call on the establishment of a Penokke Hills – Bad River Watershed National Historical and Natural Resources Area
  9. Resolution to reduce political decision making and increasing scientific, professional natural resource management in the WI DNR
  10. Resolution for the creation of a senior resident conservation patron license


2014 Resolutions

  1. Integration of LED Lighting on Wisconsin Higher Education Campuses
  2. Phosphorus Surface Water Pollution in Relation to Agriculture
  3. Preferred Alternative for Separating the Mississippi River System and the Great Lakes Basin
  4. Resolution Removing Barriers to Making Wisconsin Natural Resources More Accessible to Educating the Next Generation of Conservationists
  5. Creating a Class I Dog Trialing Area for Flushing Dogs and Retrievers on the Mukwonago River Unit of the Southern Kettle Moraine State Forest
  6. Use of Rockets at Bong Recreational Area, Kenosha County
  7. Create a Permanent Class A and Class Disabled Permit
  8. Revising Wisconsin’s Property Tax Regulations to Encourage Wetland Restoration
  9. Creation of a WWF Scholarship Named for Jim Wareing
  10. Preventing the Spread of New Zealand Mud Snails
  11. Track Effectiveness of Youth Outdoor Programs


2013 Resolutions

  1. Commending WDNR Forestry Division on Increasing Timber Harvest on DNR-owned lands
  2. Calling for a Detailed Hydrological Analysis of the Proposed Penokee Mine on the Bad River Watershed, the Kakagon Sloughs and Lake Superior
  3. Regarding Wisconsin’s Wolf Population Goal
  4. Calling on the DNR To Reduce Backlog on Pollution Control Permits
  5. Wisconsin Wildlife Federation Resolution Recognizing Contributions of the Conservation Federation of Missouri and CFM Director Dave Murphy
  6. Ending the Misuse of the Endangered Species Act


2012 Resolutions

  1. Statewide Bounty of Coyotes in Wisconsin
  2. Reintroduction of Elk Herd in Jackson County Mississippi River Lock
  3. Protection of Fish and Wildlife Habitat in Lakes, Streams & Wetlands
  4. Sandhill Crane Hunting
  5. Upper Mississippi River Lock


2011 Resolutions

  1. Night Hunting of Raccoon
  2. Dog Training Studies
  3. Fishing (Spearing) Regulations
  4. Continuing the Prohibition Against the Use of Stewardship Funds for Golf Courses
  5. Continued DNR Payment of Aid in Lieu of Taxes to Local Units of Government for Land Purchased for Recreational Lands
  6. Continued support of the EE Consultant for the WI Department of Public Instruction
  7. Federal Legislation Removing the Wolf From the Federal Endangered Species List


2010 Resolutions

  1. Youth Trout Fishing Proposal
  2. Ending Fish and Wildlife Fund Subsidy for the Management of the Great Lakes Commercial Fishery
  3. Separation of the Mississippi River System and the Great Lakes Basin
  4. Night hunting of raccoon
  5. Dog Training Study
  6. Trapping on National Wildlife Refuges
  7. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Deer Herd Management Program